Episode 4 - Lutheran Influence on Early Anglican Theology
Is the Anglican tradition more Reformed, more Lutheran, or a true Via Media? In Episode 4 of The Canterbury Trails, hosts Jared Lovell and C.J. Engel talk about the influence of Lutheran theology on early Anglican theological development. To better understand this important subject, Jared and C.J. welcome their special guest Jesse Nigro, classical educator and editor-in-chief of The North American Anglican, an online theology journal, where he has served for more than a decade. Learn more about The North American Anglican, by visiting their website: https://northamanglican.com/
Image of Anglo-Saxon map by Hel-hama - Own work using:InkscapeSource: England and Wales at the time of the Treaty of Chippenham (AD 878). From the Atlas of European History, Earle W Dowe (d. 1946), G Bell and Sons, London, 1910 (see: File:England-878ad.jpg), CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19885072